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    Shipping Policy

    Thank you for choosing Zestwear for your shopping needs. We want to make your shopping experience as smooth as possible, which includes providing clear information about our shipping policies. Please read this policy carefully before making a purchase. By shopping with Zestwear, you agree to abide by the terms outlined below.

    1. Shipping Methods

    We offer several shipping methods to cater to your needs:

    Standard Shipping: Our default shipping option for domestic and international orders. Delivery times may vary based on your location.

    Expedited Shipping: For those who need their items more quickly, we offer an expedited shipping option for domestic orders. Please note that expedited shipping may incur additional charges.

    International Shipping: We proudly serve customers worldwide. International shipping rates and delivery times may vary depending on your location.

    2. Processing Time

    All orders are processed within 1 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. During peak seasons, processing times may be slightly longer, but we strive to get your order on its way to you as soon as possible.

    3. Shipping Costs

    Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on your chosen shipping method, delivery location, and the weight/size of your order. We occasionally offer promotions or free shipping for specific order values, so keep an eye out for these opportunities.

    4. Tracking Your Order

    Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information. This will allow you to monitor the progress of your shipment and estimate the expected delivery date. Please note that it may take up to 48 hours for the tracking information to become available.

    5. Delivery Times

    Delivery times vary depending on your chosen shipping method and destination. While we make every effort to meet estimated delivery times, please understand that occasional delays due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., weather, customs, or carrier issues) may occur.

    • Standard Shipping: Typically arrives within 1 business day for domestic orders. International orders may take longer, usually 5-7 business days.
    • Shipping in Doha: Arrives same day or within 1 business day for orders.

    6. Order Changes and Cancellations

    If you need to make changes or cancel your order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but once an order has been processed and shipped, we may not be able to make changes or cancellations.

    7. Undeliverable Packages

    In the event that a package is returned to us due to an incorrect address or other issues, we will contact you to arrange for reshipment. Additional shipping fees may apply.

    8. Lost or Stolen Packages

    If your package is marked as delivered but you have not received it, please contact your local carrier or our customer support team. We will assist you in locating your package or filing a claim if necessary.

    9. Customs and Duties (International Orders)

    Please be aware that international customers may be subject to customs duties, taxes, or import fees imposed by their respective countries. Zestwear is not responsible for any additional charges incurred during the customs clearance process.

    10. Contact Information

    If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, please contact our customer support team at [Insert Contact Information].

    Zestwear is committed to providing you with a seamless shopping experience, and our shipping policy is designed to ensure that your orders are handled with care and delivered to your satisfaction.

    Thank you for choosing Zestwear. We appreciate your Shopping!